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The ABCs of Environmental, Social and Governance Investing

Design your investment portfolio for both purpose and profit

The heartbreaking events of 2020 highlighted systemic issues locally and globally. We couldn’t watch TV or read the news without seeing a headline on wildfires and climate change, the pandemic and access to medical care, or social unrest and racial inequality. In response, a growing number of individuals and organizations are looking to influence positive change in the world by aligning their values with their investments.

Mission-based organizations are particularly interested in how they can design their investment portfolio for both purpose and profit. As one of our association clients explained, “The decision to invest our long-term funds to support the same goals as our grants and spending, without sacrificing returns, was a no-brainer.”

What Is ESG Investing?

Responsible investing is an umbrella term encompassing the three approaches used to deliberately incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into an investment portfolio, which are outlined below.

Please select this link to read the complete article from ASAE's Center for Association Leadership.

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